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Reviews 4.6

5 total

Adrian Crook

1 review

We like this place. Very handy to and from the ferry at Calais and 3.5 hours away. Facilities clean and tidy. Some of the ground is on a slope but they provide ramps for the campervan so all good. The guy on reception can be a little grumpy but if you talk to him he's fine . We have been here 3 or 4 times and happy to keep going back. Remember though it's cash only.

Date of experience: October 15, 2024

Ian Mostyn

1 review

Great plots, water and electricity easy to find but fantastic toilet block. Brilliant showers and toilets, each with a theme and music playing, NY in the men's and Paris in the ladies. Great transport links, only downside is there isn't a good footpath on the road into Arlon.

Date of experience: August 03, 2024

Elijah Orr

1 review

Great campsite, large pitches with lots of space, plenty of shade with very tall trees around the perimeter. I stayed in a black roof tent which usually results in me getting cooked awake as soon as the sun comes up but it was nice and cool inside despite the unusually warm weather. Facilities are good, clean and the themed decorations were a nice touch, making it stand out from every other campsite bathroom. The owner is very friendly and accommodating. I arrived late and I was glad to be greeted by him after travelling for 11 hours. I only stayed 1 night but I definitely hope to return if I am in the area again.

Date of experience: June 28, 2024

Graded Earth

1 review

Possibly one of the best camp sites I have been to in Belgium, toilet block is amazing, no added cost of time limit for a shower, very clean and clearly labled even the Dish washing station has a nice view, desk staff running the camp leaven no guess work by showing you to your site which means he is regularly patrolling the area. We also came without a booking via bicycle and they were happy to have us. 10/10

Date of experience: June 14, 2024

A grumpy man who doesn't show so much love in receiving people. Places are very much in slopes. Toilet and showers not so clean. It was ok for one night. Good point, we had a big caravan with a big vehicle and it was fine to park.

Date of experience: June 03, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Camping Officiel Arlon

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