Terms & Conditions

Use of the Site is subject to the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement.

Terms and Definitions

Site— An Internet resource located on the Internet at https://recommend.lu The Site, depending on the context, also refers to the software provision of the Site, design (graphic design) of the Site, the Site Database, any of its sections and subsections, in addition, messages and publications posted on the Site Site Administration.

Site administration — has all relevant exclusive property rights to the Site, including the right to the domain name of the Site, and performing its administration.

User is a person who has registered on this Site. For the purposes of The User Agreement also means a person who has not registered, but has access to the Site and/or uses and/or used it. Any person who visits the pages of the Site automatically confirms this, that it is absolutely in accordance with the terms of the User Agreement, and that the requirements provided for in the User Agreement are applicable to it.

Information — any information, messages, data, publications posted By a user on the Site. This may also be personal data of Users.

The database is an objective form of provision and organization aggregate data collected and structured in such a way that any information, the information contained in them could be found and processed by means of hardware and software and technical means of the Site.

Spam — massive, unauthorized and/or unexpected by recipients postal and other mailings of advertising, informational, propaganda or other character.

Any definitions and concepts used in the wording of the Agreement and not fixed in the section "Terms and definitions", will be understood in accordance with the meaning arising from the text of the User Agreement. If there are any disagreements regarding the interpretation of the term and/or the concept, the interpretation used in the User Agreement will apply the interpretation that the Site Administration will determine.

This Agreement is concluded between the Site Administration, the party referred to below "Owner", and any person who is a user of the site recommend.lu (hereinafter referred to as the Site), hereinafter referred to as the "User", together in the text of the Agreement referred to as "Sides", and separately — "Side".

1. Subject of the agreement

1.1. The subject of this Agreement is the provision of services by the Owner to provide opportunities for the User to register on the Site and receive by mail newsletter.

1.2 Registered companies will receive ratings and reviews from platform visitors, which will allow them to better understand customer opinions and improve the quality of their services.

1.3 In order to leave your comment, review, like or any other feedback on our resource, you must first register as a user. When registering, you are required to create only one account, which is personal and cannot be transferred to third parties.

1.4. The Owner reserves the right to change this Agreement without consent with the User and without notifying the latter. The User undertakes not less than once a month to get acquainted with the content of this Agreement posted on the Website, in order to get acquainted with its changes in a timely manner.

2. Registration rules

2.1. In order to register on the Site, a person must complete the registration procedure on the Website: perform a series of sequential actions to fill out the registration form a form in electronic form, as a result of which such a person becomes a registered User.

2.2. The User agrees to provide truthful, accurate and complete Information about yourself in the registration form and keep this information up to date condition.

2.3. If a person provides incorrect registration information or at the Site Administration there are reasons to think that the registration information provided by the person is unreliable, incomplete, inaccurate, violates the terms of this Agreement or that a person uses someone else's data, then the Site Administration has the right to suspend or cancel registration and / or delete The user.

3. Authorization on the Site

3.1. The Site Administration is not responsible for possible loss or damage of data, which may occur due to a violation by the User of the provisions of this part of this Agreement Agreements.

4. User's personal data

4.1. The information about the User in his Profile carries (can carry) his personal data. At the same time, such personal data of the User are publicly available, and any User of the Site can get acquainted with them.

4.2. Taking into account that personal data with the User's permission are publicly available, anyway, the Site Administration when processing personal data The User undertakes to take all organizational and technical measures to protect them from unauthorized access in a way not taken into account by the Site.

4.3. By virtue of this Agreement, indicating your personal data on the Website, The user unconditionally agrees:

  • - with the provision of their personal data to an unlimited number of people using the Site;

  • - with the dissemination of personal data through the Website;

  • - with receiving information via mobile communication (SMS);

  • - with other actions of the Site Administration in relation to such data in connection with with the functioning of the Site.

4.4. By placing their personal data on the Site, the User confirms that they are doing this on a voluntary basis, as well as the fact that he voluntarily provides this Information to the Site Administration for processing. If the User is against the above conditions, then he is obliged to immediately delete his Profile and use the Site exclusively as an unregistered User.

4.5. The User undertakes not to place personal data of other persons on the Site, and also not to use the personal data of other Users in any way, not complying with the requirements of the law, for illegal or illegal purposes, for profit and for any other purposes, not corresponding to the purposes of creating the Site.

4.6. Without prejudice to other provisions of the Agreement, the Site Administration has the right without consent User transfer User data:

  • - state bodies, including bodies of inquiry and investigation, at their motivated request;

  • - on the basis of a judicial act;

  • - to third parties upon their reasoned written request in case of violation or the alleged violation of their rights;

  • - in other cases stipulated by the current legislation.

5. Use of the Site

5.1. Use of the Site by the User is allowed only in accordance with this By Agreement and exclusively by the methods provided for by the technical capabilities of the Site.

5.2. The copyright holders in relation to the Information posted on the Site are in appropriate cases, the Site Administration, Users and/or third parties.

5.3. The Site Administration acts as the rightful copyright holder and owns everything exclusive property and other relevant rights to the Site, including, but, not limited to the above, on the Website software, graphics, design, The Site database.

5.4. The Site Administration is not responsible, does not reimburse and is not responsible for any losses, including lost profits, moral and other harm, caused to the User or third parties as a result of their use of the Site or in connection with the functioning of the Site, as well as in all other cases, provided for by this Agreement.

5.5. The Site Administration is not responsible for contracts between Users and/or by the User and any third parties concluded using the Site.

6. Intellectual property

6.1. Website design and program code, Content and other intellectual property properties posted on the Site (both visible to the User and and not visible without performing special actions, both legitimate and not), are the intellectual property of the Owner or other copyright holders who have concluded an agreement with the Owner giving the Owner the right to place the specified objects on the Site, and are protected in accordance with the current legislation.

7. Responsibility for violation of the Agreement

7.1. In case of violation by the User of the terms of this Agreement, the Site Owner has the right to its own discretion:

  • - warn the User in writing, with the maximum number of there are three written warnings;

  • - cancel the User's registration on the site without a refund of the user's funds.

The adoption of certain sanctions directly depends on the degree and frequency of violations, and is determined by the Owner in each individual case.

7.2. The Owner makes every possible effort to ensure the normal operation of the Site, however, it is not responsible for non-performance or improper performance obligations under the Agreement, as well as possible losses incurred, including, but not limited to, as a result:

  • - illegal actions of Users aimed at violating information security security or normal functioning of the Site;

  • - Site failures caused by errors in the code, computer viruses and other extraneous code fragments in the Site software;

  • - absence (inability to establish, terminate, etc.) of Internet connections between the User's server and the Site server;

  • - establishment of state regulation (or regulation by other organizations) economic activity of commercial organizations on the Internet and/or establishment of the specified subjects of one-time restrictions that make it difficult or impossible to perform Agreements;

  • - other cases related to actions (inaction) Users and/or others subjects aimed at worsening the overall situation with the use of the network Internet and/or computer equipment that existed at the time of the conclusion The Agreement, as well as any other actions aimed at the Site and to third parties;

7.3. The owner has the right to perform preventive maintenance in the hardware and software the complex of the Site with the temporary suspension of the Site if possible at night time and maximally reducing the time of inactivity of the Site, notifying about it The user, if technically possible.

7.4. In case of force majeure, as well as accidents or failures in software and hardware complexes of third parties cooperating with the Owner, or actions (inactions) of third parties aimed at suspending or terminating the functioning of the Site, it is possible to suspend the operation of the Site without notifying the User.

8. Business account

8.1. You accept full responsibility for managing administrative rights and setting up access to your corporate account, as well as for how you use our service. Your job is to exercise full control over who has access to your business profile, and to effectively manage and optimize the quality of the services we provide.

8.2. You are solely responsible for all consequences resulting from the activities of your Authorized Users, including, but not limited to, their use of the services we provide and their compliance with our current terms and conditions. All information you exchange through our services is subject to verification and in accordance with our policies and procedures.

8.3. As a business account owner, you have the ability to control access to your business. This means that you have control over who can use and access the Services through your account (i.e., "Authorized Users"), and determine what level of access each of those users has. You are given the opportunity to change or revoke this access at any time.

8.4. You agree that you will regularly update and keep your contact information (including a valid email address) current.

8.5. You are responsible for providing correct, reliable and complete information. It is your responsibility to ensure that the information provided is accurate, reliable and complete.

8.6. The user's password and login must be secure to avoid possible theft and unauthorized access. Therefore, it is important to protect your credentials from unauthorized use. Please keep in mind that the security of your data rests on your shoulders, so be careful and careful when handling it.

8.7. You may authorize your related parties to participate in the receipt and use of our services in accordance with our established rules, however, if you do so, you will ensure that your related parties comply with such rules and guidelines and are responsible for their actions and inaction, as if they were your own actions.

8.8. We offer a variety of pricing plans that include the ability to respond to negative reviews about your company. Our paid plans give you the opportunity to effectively manage your business's reputation and quickly respond to customer complaints. Upgrade your plan today and gain access to this important feature!

9. Your main responsibilities

9.1. You must be over 18 years old.

9.2. Please do not compromise the security and integrity of our service, this is essential to maintaining the reliability and security of our platform.

9.3. You may only use the platform in a manner that does not interfere with its functionality or interfere with other users.

9.4. You must not act in an offensive or disrespectful manner towards a Recommend.lu employee, partner, customer or other users of the platform. We will not tolerate any abuse or bullying of our Recommend.lu employees in any situation, including interactions with our support services.

9.5. You must not add or upload anything to our platform that contains a virus or other malicious code.

9.6. You must not cause confusion, offend anyone, break the law, or limit the rights of others.

9.7. You must respect our copyrights and prohibit any actions aimed at modifying, copying, adapting, reproducing, analyzing, decompiling, engineering or extracting the source code of any part of our platform.

9.8. You must not make marketing-style evaluations or use our service to promote goods or services, including your own or company-provided goods, services and businesses.

9.9. You may use this platform for purposes other than developing or providing similar services or functionality that might compete with our platform.

9.10. Situations in which false information is created or distributed through reviews must be avoided. These ratings and comments should not distort the actual quality of the company's services or products, and should not be used to mislead consumers or damage the reputation of a particular company.

10. Links

10.1. Site services may contain links to other resources. The user acknowledges and agrees that the Owner does not bear any responsibility for the availability of these resources and for their content, as well as for any the consequences associated with the use of the content of these resources. Any transitions according to the links carried out by the User, the latter produces at his own risk and the risk.

10. Term of the agreement

10.1. The Agreement comes into force from the moment of acceptance of this offer by the User.

10.2. The Agreement is an offer and therefore the Owner has the right to withdraw from the agreement. In the case cancellation of the Agreement by the Owner during the term of the Agreement, the Agreement it is considered terminated from the moment of refusal. The refusal is carried out by placing relevant information on the Website.

10.3. The agreement is concluded for an indefinite period.

10.4. This Agreement applies to Users who have carried out registration before the date of publication of this Agreement on the Website.