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Reviews 4.5

4 total

An uncommon gem, an opportunity to have a profoundly skilled expert possessing such a broad array of expertise within such proximity. This opportunity is a golden one as it's not every day you come across such a well-versed professional. They have a profound understanding of their field, and this extensive experience is a testament to the depth of their knowledge. It's an immense privilege to have this type of professional in such close proximity, an individual who has garnered a wealth of understanding and expertise through years of dedication and hard work. The occasion of having such a seasoned professional nearby is indeed an unusual one, a rarity. This individual is a rare pearl in the vast ocean of professionals, their abundance of experience sets them apart. It's a unique chance to work closely with someone who has such comprehensive experience.

Date of experience: August 14, 2024

Olivia Ford

1 review

Dr Dierickx is an undeniably thoughtful and compassionate healthcare professional. I can do nothing but endorse strongly. Additional information: Regrettably, I was compelled to decrease the rating due to the fact that Dr Dierickx consistently disregards my attempts to communicate via email. Despite multiple efforts to reach out to her, she continually fails to respond. This action, or rather lack thereof, has inevitably led to my growing dissatisfaction. As a patient, it is crucial to have open and accessible communication with your healthcare provider, and this lack of engagement from Dr Dierickx's side is rather disappointing. Therefore, on this basis, I find it necessary to alter my initial recommendation.

Date of experience: May 11, 2024

Sophie Turner

1 review

An exceptionally skilled skin specialist, approachable and allocates sufficient time to articulate the treatments in detail. It's also worth noting the careful and precise work she performs. I have nothing but praise for her and would strongly encourage others to seek her expertise. Her top-notch professionalism is evident in every interaction, and the care she provides is consistently thorough and tailored to each patient's needs. Furthermore, her dedication to her craft is commendable, and she always ensures that her patients are comfortable and well-informed about their treatment options. Her passion for dermatology and genuine concern for her patients make her a standout in her field, and that's why I wholeheartedly endorse her!

Date of experience: April 23, 2024

John Smith

1 review

My complexion appears absolutely stunning, all credit goes to Dr. Dierickx. The transformation of my skin is truly remarkable and I am beyond grateful for the expertise and care taken by him. His methods and treatments have had an incredibly beneficial impact on my skin's health and appearance. The difference is not just noticeable but also quite awe-inspiring. Moreover, his professional and empathetic approach towards my concerns and queries has been highly commendable. I wholeheartedly appreciate Dr. Dierickx for his diligent efforts in enhancing my skin's beauty. It's indeed a pleasure to have such a competent and dedicated dermatologist. The astonishing improvement in my skin has significantly boosted my confidence and self-esteem. I am truly thankful for the exceptional care and treatment provided by Dr. Dierickx which has indeed led to the wonderful transformation of my skin.

Date of experience: March 23, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Dr. C. Dierickx

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  • Dr. C. Dierickx is 5 out of 7 best companies in the category Doctor on Recommend

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