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Reviews 3.7

3 total


1 review

Good morning, I would like to thank you for your exceptional service during the repair of my phone. Your team replaced my battery in record time – just 20 minutes – which impressed me greatly. In addition to the speed and efficiency of your intervention, I would like to emphasize the comfort of your store. Your waiting room is not only pleasant, but your seats are particularly comfortable, making waiting almost pleasant. I will not hesitate to recommend your service to those around me. Thank you again for your professionalism and the quality customer experience you offer. Sincerely,

Date of experience: October 25, 2024

Manou Ciatti

1 review

I have been having problems with my battery for a long time. When the mobile phone was off (0% battery), it could not be charged. I went to such a shop during the holidays, which cost me 10 EUR, disconnected the battery once, and connected it again. Then went again. Of course, the charge didn't really last long. After arriving in the country, I came across MsMobile to have a new battery installed. They left my cell phone overnight because they had to order the battery. Get it again, and the charge will be lost ever so quickly! They paid 90 EUR for it. They are convinced that there is no new battery in it, but they did exactly the same thing, on vacation! It's a pity that there are such companies! :(

Date of experience: October 17, 2024

René D

1 review

Complicated repair of my little robot, nobody managed it except him here 👌👌👌

Date of experience: May 31, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About MS Mobile Bettembourg

Information written by the company



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  • MS Mobile Bettembourg is 2 out of 5 best companies in the category Mobile phone salon on Recommend

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