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Reviews 4.2

5 total

John Smith

1 review

Amazing vegan restaurant in the heart of Dudelange. We don’t live in the area but the visit is absolutely worth it. Everything we tried was delicious (bombaccia, cauliflower wings and the burger). You can appreciate the quality of the ingredients and the effort put to create sth different. Staff was very nice and friendly

Date of experience: November 05, 2024

John Smith

1 review

Not sure where to start but all in all it was chaotic and not enjoyable - plus it was impertinent to bill everything and ignore our complaints. First we ordered small focaccia and the duo - but we got 2x gyoza and then the big focaccia (I think they want to extra charge). Then all 3 melanzanas were burnt - literally black! They only brought one new small eggplant and didn’t even apologise even after waiting so long for the food. The pasta was not enjoyable - all mixed like they used their leftovers. The only good thing was the Bomba and the Bacacio. Still super stressful there, very loud and the card is all in French not even small subtitles in English (remember we are international in Luxembourg). Definitely not coming back. Even after we told them all of that - the nervous guy just said - thanks bye. They literally charged us all - even a 1€ Parmesan which is ridiculous after failing almost the whole dinner! Very overpriced for the vegan meals. Can do it at home better. Avoid it to safe money and nerves! For 4 people 180€ with one drink each!! Look at the plate is saying it all - ugly and not eatable !

Date of experience: October 06, 2024

We love this restaurant!!! The focaccia is fluffy and really tasty, the pasta is well cooked and satisfies the taste of most demanding Italian 😎! Every time is a unique experience at Rucolino 😋

Date of experience: August 13, 2024

Sophia Smith

1 review

Excellent in every way, atmosphere, service, quality of products and a varied offering... the focus is on giving the best, not on appearances!

Date of experience: July 11, 2024

Emily Jackson

1 review

Best restaurant in Luxembourg 🌱🙂 Delicious vegan menu, filled with a huge variety of tasty dishes like focaccia, pasta, cauliflower wings, seitan steak, gyro, polenta sticks, and much more! It became my favorite restaurant in Luxembourg!

Date of experience: July 06, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

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  • Rucolino is 2 out of 5 best companies in the category Vegan restaurant on Recommend

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