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Reviews 4.2

5 total

Nice view but you do hear the highway

Date of experience: November 02, 2024


1 review

The members of the club are super friendly and super professional, a lot of feeling, great area, excellent day, I highly recommend 😊

Date of experience: October 03, 2024

Jeango Sandero

1 review

Superb place A welcome worthy of the greatest We feel at home A place not to be missed Family walk The Moselle at your fingertips and tranquility as a bonus To consume without moderation For a guaranteed full of energy Congratulations to the structure which set up the animation A discreet and terribly efficient organization Talk to those around you Happiness is much closer than we imagine As for musical entertainment, the members of the association provide it in a pleasant way Respect

Date of experience: September 27, 2024


1 review

One of the worst experiences with children. We went to the open day and unfortunately came across an elderly and graying gentleman around 10 a.m. greeted with a beer in his mouth, what an image. So left but children in the hand of a man who drinks in the morning seems extremely dangerous to me. Very poor for me, what an image of a nautical center

Date of experience: July 20, 2024

Olivier Dionnet

1 review

SNBM is great! The members are friendly and always there to advise, help, chat and discover. There is an SNBM spirit where we are already simply happy to see people on boats on the Moselle. It’s intergenerational, the youngest rub shoulders with the oldest, who only have the pleasure of passing on things. Regattas, leisure, handicaps, women's or health sailing is for everyone and I can only encourage you to go through the door and discover a sport of escape (it clears your head) and sensation (feel the wind). This allows you to reconnect with nature, enjoy a good-natured atmosphere and do it alone or with others. It is also a sport of autonomy where you learn to rig your boat, help each other and speak a little sailor in Moselle. Good luck!!!

Date of experience: July 09, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Société Nautique de Basse Moselle S.N.B.M

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