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Reviews 3.6

5 total

James Anderson

1 review

Great site - easy to find and reasonable size parking spaces, although they do vary. Showers etc very clean and an easy to use service point for grey waste etc. We got the bus just outside the site (all free) - every 10 minutes or so, then changed to a random tram that by luck took us to Hesperia which we could walk into all the main sites. Coffee house on site, but does get full so try and book, vans were getting turned away midweek in June.

Date of experience: June 26, 2024

Thomas Davis

1 review

Excellent site, although didn't use the facilities I would highly recommend it for visiting Luxembourg. Bus stop just outside camp, transport is all free and on time. Staff were exceptional and accommodating on our arrival. Would advise anyone to make a reservation. Would definitely return to this site.

Date of experience: April 14, 2024

James Williams

1 review

Nice location but few aspects that could be improved. Hot water for showers is not always working, even if you are the only one to take it. The barrier closes at 22h, if are out by car and you have your tent there, you cannot park inside anymore. Even to get in on for you have to open the gate and squeeze below the barrier. In sunny days there is almost no shadows for tents. Service is very helpful and kind, even in this very busy period.

Date of experience: April 04, 2024

J K Rowling

1 review

My fav campsite in the bikepacking trip in Europe. We stayed for 2 nights. Spacious tent pitch, impeccable toilet facilities. Super clean. There is also a restaurant nearby that opens on Sunday in the park (not very nice though). Close to a nice bakery and tonnes of free public transportation to the city centre. Great price too!

Date of experience: April 02, 2024

Jessica Davis

1 review

Location is convenient to take public transportation. Shower and toilets are clean. I am writing the review while sleeping outside the campsite in my car because the staff is unprofessional and there was no-one to open the barrier . The receptionist guy said he will open it for me till 10 pm. But there was nobody available when I arrived at 9pm . Waited till 10 pm snd then decided to sleep outside the campsite as I am car camping. They charge 8€ per night for electricity and I had to search every where to find the hidden electricity points. I regret choosing this campsite!

Date of experience: March 30, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Camping Bon Accueil

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