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Reviews 5.0

5 total

Matthew Green

1 review

I recently visited the shop 3 times with minor issues and repairs. The team had no problem to help me on the spot, fixed the problems quickly. Very friendly staff and competent. Canyon can be proud to be associated with BeBike. Highly recommended and I'm happy to find a good bike shop and also helps that they speak good english. Keep up the good work guys and see you soon!

Date of experience: October 01, 2024

Micheal Jackson

1 review

Absolutely lovely service, I brought to them an electric Canyon with a broken Fazua part (Canyon bikes - amazing, Fazua parts - so and so) and they were the best! The dealt with all the administrative stuff, and went above and beyond to fix the bike for me, for which I am extremely grateful for finding them and I will go back to them when in need of a service or a part in a heart beat!

Date of experience: July 30, 2024

James Anderson

1 review

Friendly, helpful and professional service! I highly recommend BeBike 👍 competitive prices also

Date of experience: May 31, 2024

James Anderson

1 review

BeBike saved my vacation! On our bikepacking trip my bracket of my front derailleur came loose. Luckily we were close to BeBike and they were able to fix this very quick for me!

Date of experience: May 06, 2024


1 review

Awesome! Canyon told me to come here to change the clamp for the new ultimate. Came in the morning and the guy immediatelly changed the clamp in 10 minutes. Amazing service and super happy

Date of experience: April 20, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About BeBike Luxembourg

Information written by the company



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  • BeBike Luxembourg is 3 out of 18 best companies in the category Bicycle store on Recommend

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