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Reviews 4.8

5 total

Excellent little stop over, spotlessly clean, we put 50 cent in the electric and got 5 hours then put 2€ in and got 8 hours which didn’t make much sense , get the 904 or 823 bus into the city the other buses go to the city they just take twice as long and they are free. A must see is inside the church in the village it is spectacular.

Date of experience: August 12, 2024

John Smith

1 review

This is a great little Camperplatz - with emphasis on the little! Only space for 4 campers here, but the facilities are good. Grey/Black waste disposal, fresh water, electric all available, and a couple of picnic tables. We spent two nights here. Only down point is that it’s beside the road, but it’s very quiet a night. You’ll need to get here early to get a space though.

Date of experience: August 03, 2024

Good place to stay for a night. Electricity for 1 euro for 8 hrs. Dump ur stuff in the service station. There are two picknick tables. Very clean. 3 spots so be early :)

Date of experience: June 18, 2024

Amelia Johnson

1 review

Great little stopover in quiet village with buses to and from the city centre. Waste, water and cheap electricity all provided as well as recycling facilities too. Black water goes in same drain as grey which took us a while suss with rinse flush system Some road noise but lovely woodland walk for our dogs close by with circular route passed stream, goats and beehives. Bakers and hairdressers Excellent stop.

Date of experience: May 14, 2024

Jennifer Brown

1 review

Great little aire in a small village. Four spaces, €1 for 8 hours electric & water dump/fill area. Bus stop across the road into Luxembourg City, about 40 mins. Free public transport & they also take dogs👍🏻Beautiful country & so clean! Nice little bar down the road too.

Date of experience: May 13, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Camperplaats Koerich

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