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Reviews 3.6

5 total


1 review

First time for me, but surely not the last one . And YOU have to go! It’s the cutest little spot with amazing food. The ambiance is very welcoming and charming. I have to say, I enjoyed every single bite of the 3 course menu.

Date of experience: September 02, 2024


1 review

The food in terms of quality and variety was just ok. Staff are rather impolite which made our visit to this restaurant not so pleasant. On the positive side, the outside sitting area is nice.

Date of experience: July 17, 2024

Ammar Mirza

1 review

Everything except for the dessert was well prepared and delicious. The service was excellent and servers were happy to serve in English. There were people smoking inside the restaurant which was a bit unpleasant. Overall, good food, good service and okay atmosphere. I would recommend and come back.

Date of experience: June 03, 2024

Slightly disappointing. French brasserie food with attentionate service, highly priced. Not especially creative and the preparation and presentation lagged behind (for instance hot food on cold plates). Very small no name wine list.

Date of experience: May 26, 2024

Chista Nadimi

1 review

We tried this restaurant via a youdeal voucher. It’s close to where we live, so, we wanted it to be really good to go there again, but it wasn’t. It was worth the youdeal half price, but definitely not the full price. Now I explain: 1. They brought bread but not the butter!!! 2. We speak French, so no language barrier, but the waiter was kinda off, bored or even rough for a waiter in a supposedly fancy French restaurant. 3. The quantity of food was enough for us, but we are the kind of people who eat one third portion of the main dish and cannot order desert. Here we had a 4-courses meal and we finished everything including the desert without feeling of over-eating. So, be careful if you eat normal portion. The quality of food was fine, and I had no issue with them. I really liked the beef although it was so tiny. Also the desert was very good and not too sweet. I need to mention that I have a very low sugar tolerance, so one might find the desert too bitter and not sweet at all, but I liked it. To conclude: I won’t go there normally because it was too expensive and wasn’t worth the full price, but I may go again if I have a good discount.

Date of experience: May 21, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

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