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Reviews 3.2

5 total


1 review

Nice restaurant. We took the lunch menu. We had chicken soup which was nice, lots of flavours but salty. We also had thali. The naan was very good. The rest was average but the kebab was too dry to eat. Was okay for 12 euro. Except for the lunch menu, the meat briyani which is Jaipur gosht briyani is very good.

Date of experience: November 03, 2024

Priyanka singh

1 review

The food they serve is horrible. They don’t know how to speak with customers. When I told them that my food is spoiled instead of changing it they told no its taste like that. I am an Indian and they are telling me how the Indian food tastes like. Horrible restaurant horrible staff save your money and choose some other option to eat.

Date of experience: August 05, 2024

Delicious Indian food mild smell The chicken is very tender, clean, fresh, friendly service. The food seemed to be small plates but the portions were huge. worth the price paid I recommend eating here. If you don't know what to order at the shop Recommended set meals It was very good and will come back.

Date of experience: July 24, 2024

I am not so into Indian food but the curiosity of seeing constantly flow of people in that restaurant awake my curiosity. So I ordered a special menu, was an amazing flavour experience, this is my opinion without really knowing Indian food, the size of the dishes was generous, I tried a bit of all, the writers were so kind. Definitely I will be back, if you are into vegetarian, non vegetarian, spice or not spice food, I am sure you will enjoy

Date of experience: June 07, 2024

Suneela Isaac

1 review

Food 3.5: Service 5; Ambiance 3.5 (.5 for old Bollywood songs) As an expat from India, you usually have high expectations from Indian food, but as you spend 5months, you learn to adapt to the European style Indian food. But woh butter naan hee kya jisse butter na tapke (butter naan should have butter dripping from the naan). Daal fry was good. Handi chicken was okaish looked like kadhai chicken's cousin. Pappad and chutney is served at your table free of cost. I understand water is not served in restaurants here however atleast Indian restaurants should serve water as it's part of our culture. The stewardess was friendly, courteous and try understood 'service' she noted that we like and can handle spicy food. She bought spicy chutney especially for us. Cheers to her!!

Date of experience: June 05, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

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