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Reviews 5.0

5 total

Kanäle Grande

1 review

"A charming restaurant with a warm atmosphere and friendly service. Despite only getting an hour of sleep, the owner managed to put a smile on my face in the morning. The tofu crumble was perfectly prepared, and the mini desserts were also delightful. A thoroughly enjoyable experience!"

Date of experience: August 08, 2024

Jorge Costa

1 review

A charming space, where my partner and I were very well looked after. They have good options, and although we arrived without a reservation, something that is best done in advance, they managed to find us a table so we could try them. PS: I loved the image in the mini bathroom frame!

Date of experience: August 03, 2024

Delicious and intentional food in a quiet, light-filled and friendly café. Fresh ingredients and delicious coffee (highly recommend the bulletproof coffee).

Date of experience: July 20, 2024

Sonnie McVicker

1 review

A much needed meal! The food was so fresh and tasty. Service was wonderful and the coffee was the best cup I've had my entire trip!

Date of experience: June 25, 2024

Lauren Mardini

1 review

A modest and beautiful place with reasonable prices for those who really want to eat healthy 🌿 The service is quite friendly and quick. I had a fruit bowl 🥣, a herbal tea 🍵, a wrap 🌯, and a cheesecake made of a vegan basis and coconut 🍰 The experience was great and I enjoyed the simplicity and straightforwardness of the place. I would love to come here again and try other options from their menu, because there are so many interesting dishes! Highly recommended 👌🏻

Date of experience: May 20, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Glow - meal by meal

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  • Glow - meal by meal is 1 out of 5 best companies in the category Vegan restaurant on Recommend

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