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Reviews 4.8

5 total

Rebecca Smith

1 review

At la source you will find Professionalism, diversity and Kindness. I followed diverse classes with different teachers and was never deceived. The owners are kind and always accessible for advice. I strongly recommend!

Date of experience: September 06, 2024

E Phillips

1 review

I have been going to Yoga La Source for 4 years now, enjoying the sivananda lessons with Frederic on a weekly basis and trying out various other courses: Ashtanga with Denise, Hatha with Ena, Yin with Eva... I love the flexibility La source offers. Once registered you can replace a class with another class, allowing you to cancel a class last minute if needed but also giving you the opportunity to try out some other courses and teachers. All of the teachers pay a lot of attention to the posture one takes which allows me to progress. I also like that new students can easily come to the course even at the end of the term, as they get enough explanations to follow the flow. I can only recommend la source and its welcoming people and cosy but spacious locations!

Date of experience: July 06, 2024

John Smith

1 review

A space for Authentic Yoga! Denise and Fredric are wonderful Yoga Teachers!

Date of experience: June 29, 2024

James Smith

1 review

Very convenient in terms of location for those living in Strassen and wishing to have good quality yoga class. But it is too expensive from my point of view.

Date of experience: June 03, 2024

Emily Thompson

1 review

Authentic teaching. Denise's class is my favourite ashtanga class in Luxembourg. We learn in full confidence. This school teaches traditional yoga and offers a wide range of classes, which allow to learn all self-improvement techniques (at a fair & very reasonable price).

Date of experience: March 30, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Yoga La Source

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