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Reviews 5.0

5 total

Jennifer Smith

1 review

Love the hot yoga classes at YL Tropics - always feeling so good after class! Teachers are amazing and the fresh drinks/treats from CuriousBuds are a huge plus 😍

Date of experience: August 01, 2024

David Johnson

1 review

Yogaloft is the BEST yoga studio in Luxembourg. I particularly like the Tropics location and the « hot yoga community » ! Having a coffee at the coffeeshop in this location afterwards is also a great bonus !

Date of experience: July 18, 2024

I love that the studio has a cafe attached to it when you enter. You can chill before and/or after each class. Even when the cafe is closed, I always find a hot tea brewed right after a class ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ The shower room has almost everything you need - shampoo, body wash, hairdryer - you just have to bring your own towel (you will need one if you do hot yoga classes anyway!). Toilets are always clean, never had a problem. Studio has mirrors around which really help me a lot! I always want to make sure I am doing the poses correctly to get the maximum benefits. I have tried the classes for the original hot yoga, hot power fusion and hot vinyasa - the warm temperature in the room helps me be more flexible, but it also depends on my body and what it wants for the day - we are all different ❤️ Top studio! Must try!!!

Date of experience: July 18, 2024

John Smith

1 review

If you are looking for a yoga studio with a soul, you have definitely just found one! Bikram Yoga Hot Box is not your average studio. It’s super friendly, very welcoming, caring, not pretentious and has great and enjoyable classes. Two thumbs up to owner Sheelagh and Brendan for creating such an amazing atmosphere in the studio. So much positive energy around, I just felt so great after Sheelagh’s class.

Date of experience: June 04, 2024

Love the ‘loft and its people ! Yogaloft has been my top favorite studios. Each studio has a great, welcoming vibe and lots of friendly faces. My most recent find is the Tropics in Strassen. So many great classes, fantastic teachers, a really cool café inside and sufficient parking spots outside as well as easy access with public transport. The best part of the class is the iced towel at the end of class during savasana. Bliss.

Date of experience: April 22, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About yogaloft. TROPICS - Hot Yoga Strassen

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