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Reviews 4.2

5 total

Definetly cannot recommend this company: They were in charge for delivery and unloading a 40ft container and managed the truck arrival to be at the billing address instead of the real delivery address while the 4 people unloading staff were waiting 4hrs at the right delivery address which of course was charged extra! But apparently it wasn't their fault although the paperwork was all correct. Because the female Streff coordinator on the phone was "in a slightly bad mood" each time, my partner didn't want to engage a legal battle about the additional cost and just paid the entire bill.

Date of experience: October 04, 2024

Bernard M

1 review

I had a fantastic experience with Streff! Their team was professional, efficient, and delivered exceptional service. From start to finish, they made my move stress-free and handled my belongings with utmost care. Highly recommend!

Date of experience: September 04, 2024

Pit Zens

1 review

We used Streff for our recent move (with 3 month storage of our belongings). From the very first contact, we had a very positive experience; the administrative staff is reactif and friendly, the moving staff is careful and efficient. I highly recommend them!

Date of experience: July 22, 2024

Stefan Chorus

1 review

Producing energy at our warehouse in WIndhof The yearly capacity about 600.000 kWh which is around 3 times our own electricity consumption.

Date of experience: June 30, 2024

Philippe Beck

1 review

Last September, we moved from one end of Luxembourg City to the other. What I remember? Due planning and good care at an efficient day of moving. The weather was on our side as well. Different pieces of furniture, more than 50 boxes… Notable: they wrapped and perfectly managed to move our heavy 1912 piano up onto a third floor of our new flat. After what I heard about other moving companies, I felt it was worth sharing the experience. Definitely, it wasn't the first time and neither the last time with Streff.

Date of experience: May 29, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Streff - International Transport Moving

Information written by the company



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