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Reviews 5.0

5 total

Tim A

1 review

Very nice food, you can see the chef making your pizza. Friendly staff. Best to make a reservation beforehand.

Date of experience: October 23, 2024

Roland Huisman

1 review

Very good restaurant, lovely dinner and very kind people. We loved to come and eat dinner twice during our weekend stay at Berdorf. I would recommend the restaurant to everybody. Thanks!

Date of experience: August 21, 2024

Carl Goegebeur

1 review

On our 3 day stay , we went back 3 times over to enjoy their huge and delicious pizzas. Friendly and fast staff that can keep it cool throughout ( wat seemed to us ) a hectic service and some difficult customers. Clean and respectable place for a decent meal .

Date of experience: June 23, 2024

Benji Bex

1 review

Literally amazing. I've been to Milan quite af few times in my life but the pizza here might be better. We've been to Lenert 5 times now and everything I've tasted is amazing. My mother is a chef who specializes in Italian deserts so I was hesitant to order any, but the dame blanche was amazing already. The lasagna I've eaten today was beyond words. Below are some pictures of the times we've been. In the picture the following dishes are visible: Filet de boeuf (beef) Lasagna Pizza with carpaccio Pizza calzone Thank you for making our stay in berdorf unforgettable.

Date of experience: June 09, 2024

Lakshmi Ramesh

1 review

Great pizzas at a reasonable price (especially for Luxembourg). The desserts were so good. Staff were friendly.

Date of experience: May 30, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Restaurant Pizzeria Lenert

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