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Reviews 4.6

5 total

Dutu Achim

1 review

If you already know what product you want, it's not worth the trip. If you're unlucky you'll wait a long time before a salesperson is available. On one floor the staff is standing around looking bored, on the other floor customers are lining up and the only salesperson is giving them advice down to the most ridiculous detail. But if you need to take a closer look at products, or if you need advice, it is a great place to find both.

Date of experience: September 14, 2024


1 review

very professional staff who taught us everything we had to know about TVs ! I really appreciated that and will definitely be buying there my future electronics

Date of experience: September 06, 2024


1 review

I have bought computer monitor, memory cards, cables, washing machines and more very happily here. Great service every time, and surprisingly good prices. You don’t need to shop outside Lux, here’s fine prices.

Date of experience: July 31, 2024

Olga S

1 review

The service is beyond praise, the staff is polite, kind, absolutely professional. They explain everything in the smallest detail and tell you all the pros and cons, they will explain to you as much as you need. I bought Big Appliances with the help of great professional seller Jonathan. At this salon you find yourself in an atmosphere of luxury, comfort, friendliness and good mood. I would like to buy goods only there. Along the way, I bought a stylish Nespresso coffee maker of the latest design, and an excellent home fragrance with the scent of Neroli. Now my house smells like a 5-star hotel at a prestigious resort. God bless all the sellers and this salon HiFi in Bertrange for their exceptional kindness, high quality products and customer satisfaction. My 5 stars and 100% recommendation.

Date of experience: July 24, 2024

Very happy with the work done by Jonathan (commercial) and people who installed a ventilation hood at my place. They have been responsive and resourceful from A to Z and I even received a notice the day before getting the device installed given me a schedule of deliver within 2 hours (which was respected). Well done Hifi International Bertrange!

Date of experience: June 03, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About HIFI international

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  • HIFI international is 5 out of 13 best companies in the category Electronics store on Recommend

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