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Reviews 4.3

4 total

Melli B._T.

1 review

Very cozy

Date of experience: September 15, 2024

Thank you Ms. Hauer for your hospitality. We felt very comfortable with you, and we particularly enjoyed the breakfast discussions. We wish you many more nice guests.

Date of experience: June 25, 2024

Rainer Kneip

1 review

Very nice hostess. Breakfast ok. Accommodation ok. Parking ok. Gladly again.

Date of experience: June 13, 2024

We only write a review if we think it adds something to the reviews that have already been written. In this case it is. We don't think the 5* reviews are justified. Our positive and negative findings: Positive: - beautiful surroundings - large room with very large balcony - beautiful view from balcony Negative: - The fact that the room is very dated is not a problem, but it is not very clean. See pictures. Cobwebs, things that are never cleaned, empty beer bottles from previous guests and especially a shower full of mold. See also photos. - breakfast is exactly the same every day. Not even any other jam or anything. No (fresh) fruit or anything (are we used to it too well?) Despite the fact that any cancellation policy that was communicated (there is nothing about it on the website) indicated that you can cancel free of charge until the last minute, we were obliged to pay 50% of the last 2 nights when we wanted to leave early. This was said because she would not be able to find new guests. We reported this early in the morning a day before we were supposed to leave. On the other hand, the lady made no attempt to find new guests. After our announcement, the airbnb remained occupied for 2 days. We have already slept in many B&Bs. One even better and then the other. We would all go back again in a heartbeat. Unfortunately that does not apply to this one.

Date of experience: May 30, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Landhaus Oesen

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