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Reviews 4.4

5 total

Sophia Anderson

1 review

It was our first time trying korean traditional BBQ. The portions were generous and the food super fresh. I highly recommend gangnam duck, loved the souce and vegetables. Specials thanks to the owners, they were very friendly and welcoming.

Date of experience: November 09, 2024

This restaurant is not a normal Korean restaurant in terms of the menu and flavor of the food. It is more Chinese/ westernized Chinese food. The service is very good. They are kind and polite. They were open even after 2pm on the Friday we visited.

Date of experience: September 23, 2024

It was my second visit to this place. One of my favorites in Esch. The Korean barbecue is really tasty, very fresh meat and the grill is from coal which gives extra taste. We took the mixed meat for two and it was really filling, despite the fact that we didn't take the rice (or noodles) which comes with it. You can ask more of the side dishes. The place is quite simple inside but I really think this adds to the atmosphere. It feels like being in a family owned restaurant in Seoul. Jalmukesumneda!

Date of experience: August 20, 2024

Great experience to try Korean BBQ, and more! They take a little while to serve at first, but then everything makes up for it. I recommend it.

Date of experience: July 10, 2024

Daniel Smith

1 review

Pleasantly surprised with the great quality of meat and especially seafood for the korean bbq :) Unlimited refill of lettuce and side dishes, though taste of kimchi can be improved. Excellent service!!

Date of experience: June 26, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Gangnam Restaurant

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  • Gangnam Restaurant is 2 out of 6 best companies in the category Korean restaurant on Recommend

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