This is the first critique I've ever

This is the first critique I've ever written, but I felt the necessity to inform you. I had cultivated my hair with the intention of altering my hairstyle. I queried if she was capable of accomplishing a particular style I had in mind. To be completely honest, she claimed to comprehend my request, but I could visibly perceive her bewilderment and lack of sincerity. She commenced the haircut, and after a period of time, I came to the realization that she had not grasped my desired style. I implored her to cease her action due to her glaring lack of professionalism. She was utterly inconsiderate. There seemed to be no concern for providing quality service, only for their own financial gain. She displayed no remorse or embarrassment for her actions. She is, without a doubt, a dreadful individual. Trust me on this. It was unequivocally the poorest service I have ever experienced. Her lack of skill and disregard for my desires only added to my frustration. Her unprofessionalism was evident throughout the entire process, and her apparent lack of interest in providing a satisfactory service was both disappointing and infuriating. Her sole focus was seemingly her paycheck, showing no regard for the level of service she provided. This blatant disregard for customer satisfaction was shocking and left me feeling completely disrespected. And the audacity of her actions was astonishing, showing no shame or regret for her unprofessional behavior. She is, without a shadow of a doubt, a deplorable individual, and I assure you, you want to avoid interacting with her. The service I received was undoubtedly the worst I have ever experienced. Her lack of professionalism and disregard for my desires were not only disappointing but also profoundly infuriating.

Date of experience: July 29, 2024

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