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Reviews 4.4

5 total

They take you on board for several days only, but you then get a nice and complete appartment, albeit small in size. Personnel is competent, efficient and very serviceable. It is next to Colruyt and Aldi and very close to city and railway station. A good place to stay when touring the area of when working in Arlon or Luxemburg-City. Large closed parking lot for cars.

Date of experience: November 09, 2024

James Smith

1 review

Very clean place, good and comfortable bed, nice shower, kitchen has eventhing you need except coffee machine or water boiler, a little too much noise during the day because the hotel was full. Quiet during the night. Friendly staff.

Date of experience: October 16, 2024

Alex Smith

1 review

The rooms are very clean and somewhat big. The bathrooms are spacious and there is a shower cabin. There is also a little kitchen with utensils, a dishwasher, a refrigerator and a sink. The recepcionists were very nice and helpful. There is the possibility to buy breakfast if you didn't buy it in your reservation. It costs 9,50€ for adults and 4,50€ for children (until 12 yrs.). The location of the hotel is good, its not too far from luxembourg city, and not that far from the Arlon city centre. The prices are also very good, would recommend

Date of experience: October 11, 2024

John Doe

1 review

The apartment/hotel was easy to locate. We had researched the parking access before hand so knew it was at the rear of the hotel. There is then a door which leads directly to Reception. The staff were great. Friendly, informative and spoke English 😊 The apartment was a little warm but they gave us fans. The breakfast was great. More on the continental side with croissants/waffles/pain au Chocolat. Coffee, juices. Scrambled egg and I think sliced sausage. Self-service which is always great with kids 😬.

Date of experience: August 11, 2024

Sophie Watson

1 review

Excellent place and location for travellers with families and pets. We have stayed in a double room appartement equipped with living room and kitchen. Rooms are clean, all what is necessary is present. Bathroom is clean and slightly modernised. The parking is secured and accessible only for the guests who are staying. The breakfast us freshly prepared and sufficient of choice. I recommend this place

Date of experience: June 09, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Appart'City Classic Arlon Porte du Luxembourg - Appart Hôtel

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  • Appart'City Classic Arlon Porte du Luxembourg - Appart Hôtel is 3 out of 3 best companies in the category Extended stay hotel on Recommend

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