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Reviews 4.2

5 total

John Smith

1 review

Great service, good communication: very satisfied customer. I had a problem with my bike with a loose crankset after a prior botched repairs from a different bike shop. I visited Schutz bicycle shop and got seen directly. They repaired my bicycle within a week whereas the official Cube shop I bought it from wouldn’t look at it for at least 6 weeks. I was able to contact the shop by phone to discuss my bike on multiple occasions which is not to be taken for granted. The advice was refreshingly honest and transparent about what might be necessary and lead-times on getting parts. The work was done quickly, explained thoroughly and I never felt rushed out of the shop. This level of service is rare and after trying three other bicycle shops in Luxembourg I’m very happy to recommend Schutz. His English was impeccable and as a Luxembourger, I imagine all four languages are spoken fluently here.

Date of experience: September 25, 2024

Jonathan Davis

1 review

If you are looking for very good expertise and useful advices on cycling, this is the place! Quality is there, at a price of course, but definitely worth its value. It is a family business with a lot of experience, the father was a professional road cyclist while the son is more oriented on MTBs. You may pay more than buying on the web, but here you will know what and why you buy beforehand, which might save you a lot of money in the end...

Date of experience: September 01, 2024

Jonathan Smith

1 review

Very poor service. A good advice from my side: instead of saying that a bycicle has *** breaks in front of a person with children, I would rather check if your service is not *** 0 stars and 0 recommandations

Date of experience: August 29, 2024

Jennifer Smith

1 review

Awesome service! Good communication. Very fast. I could definitly recommend this place.

Date of experience: July 02, 2024

John Smith

1 review

I have been using this place since 1987! It’s about the last LBS in Luxembourg, the others are palaces where i feel that they’re not interested unless you are in the market for a €7k bike! Or bought a €7k bike from them.

Date of experience: June 24, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Schütz bicycles

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