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Reviews 3.2

5 total

Michel Santos

1 review

Good, the only negative point is that when you have a reservation you still need to wait for your turn, because they but to much people at the same time. But the food is very good

Date of experience: September 30, 2024

Gary Wallen

1 review

Worst service possibly ever. Placed order over the phone, and received call stating order was ready for pickup. Arrived at restaurant, provided my name and was told "1 more minute" 7 times. At this point I had waited at the front door for 32 minutes (the original time from placing order to receiving call to saying order was ready). After getting my food at 1hour 4 minutes, they said "sorry, it was busy". I wouldn't complain if the fact that I was told it was "ready" for pickup.

Date of experience: August 31, 2024

Luis Gaia Braz

1 review

Best rotisserie chicken I’ve eaten out of Portugal, although the sides are quite expensive

Date of experience: July 02, 2024

Sweta Bose

1 review

The frites is very good, the quantity for the price is really good.. Recommended!

Date of experience: June 05, 2024

Ruben Valente

1 review

Will give it 3 stars just because of the latest price increase, something that costed 13€ now costs more than 15€ which I think it's just too expensive and will prevent me from going there again or at least as many times i've went before.

Date of experience: June 01, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Rôtisserie Gaspar Sàrl

Information written by the company



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  • Rôtisserie Gaspar Sàrl is 2 out of 3 best companies in the category Barbecue restaurant on Recommend

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