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Reviews 4.2

5 total

J. K. Rowling

1 review

Went there for the very first time. Liked it.... But... I mean... I was not a big fan of the food. Sorry to say... The service was perfect: we liked the iPad ordering system... Very efficient, easy and it does work and adds something... The food comes right away (almost...) But then... Just dis kit find the food tasty. My humble opinion.

Date of experience: August 25, 2024

Michael Smith

1 review

For me its the best chinese restaurant ever. I go there every once in a while and take the buffet every time. It might seem abit pricey but because of the quality i dont mind. The personel is really nice especially when you get to know them. Over all this restaurant is a big plus for me.

Date of experience: August 10, 2024

John Smith

1 review

Went for the lunchtime buffet, which is a fixed price (drinks extra) Ordering is done via iPads on each table, which ensures that the food is freshly prepared and comes to the table very quickly. There is a good range of dishes to choose from and is of good quality and very tasty. I highly recommend this restaurant for lunch

Date of experience: June 20, 2024

James Thompson

1 review

First visit here and while it was a generally good experience (in terms of food quality being quite tasty) it also had some issues. First of all the evening buffet is 28.80 Euro per person. From my own experience that is the most expensive Chinese evening buffet that I tried yet. Second, the buffet is kind of ordering per ipad and then they bring you the dishes to your table. However the portions are small instead of just bring one bigger dish and having to go way less back and forth. Thirdly they are not particularly attentive sometimes. My spicy duck came 28 minutes after having ordered it. The first time they told me it needs longer to cook than the rest. The second time they told me it should arrive soon and they will tell the cook. The third time another waiter again told me they will tell the cook and that it needs longer. During all that time my friend got 3 dishes while I did not even get my one. So all in all the food quality is very good but apart from that it got some issues.

Date of experience: April 17, 2024

Michael Smith

1 review

Enjoyed our lunch buffet. We reserved the table easily on Google itself. Tasty food at good price.

Date of experience: March 31, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Restaurant Nouvelle Etoile

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  • Restaurant Nouvelle Etoile is 11 out of 18 best companies in the category Chinese restaurant on Recommend

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