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Reviews 4.2

5 total

John Smith

1 review

After visiting this place several times, I can say without any doubt that this restaurant is one my favourites I‘ve ever visited. Delicious food and very kind staff.

Date of experience: September 16, 2024

Sophia Davis

1 review

Always our Asian restaurant of choice! They have never disappointed us. The only observation is maybe to ask for extra rice for delivery if you know that you like to eat a bigger quantity of rice

Date of experience: August 30, 2024

John Smith

1 review

Order was taken 1t 12:25 and served at 13:10. Manners in this restaurant are low, (i.e. I was ignored when I got up and asked where our order was). WORST thing endless discussion with the owner why waiter took wrong order. Believed that if she offered it to us that all was OK. Probably takes another 10 years to understand how to deal with customers. Arrogance and bad manners are to be expected.

Date of experience: August 16, 2024

Alexander J.

1 review

Great Chinese restaurant, dishes are as nicely presented as they taste, big portions. Locals love the place, we used to live in the village, now we drive 30 minutes to go there. The chef Andy has even included Luxembourgish cuisine with the Chinese touch (Kniddelen). The buffet is great Kids love to play at the game corner

Date of experience: June 01, 2024

Sophia Anderson

1 review

That was sooo good. Tasty vegetables, very good cooked. Nice service. Cozy atmosphere

Date of experience: April 20, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Restaurant Villa d'Asie

Information written by the company



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  • Restaurant Villa d'Asie is 10 out of 18 best companies in the category Chinese restaurant on Recommend

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