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Reviews 5.0

5 total

I would recommend the creche to everyone who wants a friendly and great place for their babies/kids. The staff is very professional and also very attentive and friendly with the kids. There are different activities for the kids and all the staff is supportive and tries to find best ways to accommodate child needs to ensure smooth adaption to the creche. I am very happy with everything there and my son always comes and leaves the creche with a smile. 🥰

Date of experience: August 17, 2024

Julia Ojeda

1 review

We chose this daycare after having a terrible experience in our previous one, what could I say to make them justice, the entire team is just WONDERFUL! From the management to the caregivers we had always felt trust, friendliness and professionalism. We could see the joy in our daughter’s face each morning when we dropped her off, and all the fun she had in the activities that the team ALWAYS planned for the children. They truly make the effort to stimulate the children’s development through a variety of activities and games. As a mother I can recommend Crèche Tiramisu in Strassen with all certainty that parents and children will have a wonderful experience.

Date of experience: July 15, 2024

Phillipa Califf

1 review

We moved our son here 12 months ago from another creche he loved. We were quite worried because he really liked the previous one. How wrong we were! From day one he has run in without looking back. He is energetic and happy every evening we pick him up. We genuinely don't worry about him any day he is there. The carers are fantastic!

Date of experience: July 06, 2024

Kim Karimi

1 review

Wonderful place. Beautiful setting. Very affectionate and professional team. Loads of fun and developmental activities for any age. My daughter absolutely loves to go there. You can trust entirely that your child is in excellent care. Thank you !

Date of experience: June 01, 2024

Jeana Evans

1 review

The caregivers provide a fun, creative, and caring environment for the children. Our friends first told us about the crèche and described it as the kind of place where your child runs through the door and waves bye because they're so comfortable and happy to be there -- and this has been our experience as well. Absolutely recommend.

Date of experience: May 25, 2024

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Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.
Recommend regards 1, 2 and 3-star reviews as negative. Data is based on the last 12 months, and all days of the week are taken into account.

About Crèche Tiramisù Strassen - People&Baby

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